Neu bei Oracle: „Database Release Update“
Bei der DOAG Datenbank-Konferenz im Mai hat Andrew Mendelsohn bekanntgegeben, dass es zukünftig jährliche Releases geben soll. Auch bei den Patches soll sich etwas ändern. Es wird „Release Updates“ (RU) und „Release Update Revisions“ (RUR) geben. Mit der Umbenennung der Patches hat Oracle – wie auch angekündigt – im Juli 2017 begonnen: Das erste „Database Release Update“ ist verfügbar.
Für die Datenbank Oracle 12c Release 2 sind folgende RUs verfügbar:
- Patch 26123830 – Database Jul2017 Release Update
- Patch 25811364 – Oracle JavaVM Component Jul2017 Release Update
Update 16.08.2017:
Oracle hat den Datenbank RU durch den Release Update ersetzt.
Auf meinem kleinen Test-System sind bereits einige Patches installiert:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [rdbms12201] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches 26187629;OCW Patch Set Update : (26187629) 25983138;DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (25983138) OPatch succeeded.
Wir testen also auch, wie die RUs mit einem bereits installieren DBBP klarkommen. Von den DBBP wissen wir ja, dass sie Probleme mit bereits installierten PSUs hatten (man musste sich entscheiden: DBBP oder PSU und bei einem Wechsel erstmal alles deinstallieren).
oracle@nf12cdba:~/ [rdbms12201] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version OPatch Version: OPatch succeeded.
Die OPatch-Version passt, denn der Datenbank-RU verlangt mindestens Version und der OJVM-RU mindestens Version
Tipp: ich habe mir angewöhnt, zusammen mit den RUs (bzw. DBBPs, PSUs etc.) immer das aktuelle OPatch herunterzuladen und gemeinsam im großen Patch-Archiv zu speichern. Dann hat man immer eine zum Patch passende OPatch-Version verfügbar.
Also: Runterladen der Release Updates von My Oracle Support, Hochladen auf den Test-Server, ZIP-Dateien auspacken, Datenbanken und Listener stoppen – und los geht‘s mit der Installation:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] ls -l total 149460 -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 111976263 Jul 18 20:14 -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 41068221 Jul 18 20:14 oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] unzip [..] oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] unzip [..]
Beginnen wir mit dem Datenbank-RU:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] cd 26123830 /u00/app/oracle/stage/26123830 oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/26123830/ [TVDNCDB] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle Home : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Central Inventory : /u00/app/oraInventory from : /u00/app/oracle/product/ OPatch version : OUI version : Log file location : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks... OPatch continues with these patches: 26123830 Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y All checks passed. Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system. (Oracle Home = '/u00/app/oracle/product/') Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y Backing up files... Applying interim patch '26123830' to OH '/u00/app/oracle/product/' Patching component oracle.oracore.rsf, Patching component oracle.ctx, Patching component oracle.rdbms.deconfig, Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf, Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman, Patching component oracle.rdbms, Patching component oracle.rdbms.util, Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts, Patching component oracle.tfa, Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic, Patch 26123830 successfully applied. Sub-set patch [25983138] has become inactive due to the application of a super-set patch [26123830]. Please refer to Doc ID 2161861.1 for any possible further required actions. Log file location: /u00/app/oracle/product/ OPatch succeeded.
Die Support-Note 2161861.1 sagt, dass überholte („superseeded“) Patches nicht mehr deinstalliert, sondern nur noch deaktiviert werden. „opatch lsinventory“ zeigt uns die deaktivierten Patches wenn man den Parameter „-inactive“ angibt:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/26123830/ [TVDNCDB] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -inactive Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle Home : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Central Inventory : /u00/app/oraInventory from : /u00/app/oracle/product/ OPatch version : OUI version : Log file location : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Lsinventory Output file location : /u00/app/oracle/product/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Machine Information:: Hostname: demo.markusdba.local ARU platform id: 226 ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64 Installed Top-level Products (2): Oracle Database 12c Oracle Database 12c Examples There are 2 products installed in this Oracle Home. Inactive patches (1) : Patch 25983138 : applied on Thu Jun 22 13:10:40 CEST 2017 Unique Patch ID: 21358214 Patch description: "DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (25983138)" Created on 18 Jun 2017, 23:01:52 hrs PST8PDT Bugs fixed: 23026585, 24336249, 24929210, 24942749, 25036474, 25110233, 25410877 25417050, 25427662, 25459958, 25547901, 25569149, 25600342, 25600421 25606091, 25655390, 25662088, 24385983, 24923215, 25099758, 25429959 25662101, 25728085, 25823754, 22594071, 23665623, 23749454, 24326846 24334708, 24560906, 24573817, 24578797, 24609996, 24624166, 24668398 24674955, 24744686, 24811725, 24827228, 24831514, 24908321, 24976007 25184555, 25210499, 25211628, 25223839, 25262869, 25316758, 25337332 25455795, 25457409, 25539063, 25546608, 25612095, 25643931, 25410017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPatch succeeded.
Weiter geht es mit dem OJVM-Patch:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] cd 25811364 /u00/app/oracle/stage/25811364 oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/25811364/ [TVDNCDB] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle Home : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Central Inventory : /u00/app/oraInventory from : /u00/app/oracle/product/ OPatch version : OUI version : Log file location : /u00/app/oracle/product/ Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks... OPatch continues with these patches: 25811364 Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y All checks passed. Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system. (Oracle Home = '/u00/app/oracle/product/') Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y Backing up files... Applying interim patch '25811364' to OH '/u00/app/oracle/product/' Patching component oracle.javavm.server, Patching component oracle.javavm.server.core, Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts, Patching component oracle.rdbms, Patch 25811364 successfully applied. Log file location: /u00/app/oracle/product/ OPatch succeeded.
Überprüfen wir das kurz mit „opatch lspatches“:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches 25811364;OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (25811364) 26123830;DATABASE RELEASE UPDATE: (26123830) 26187629;OCW Patch Set Update : (26187629) OPatch succeeded.
Nach der Software-Installation müssen wir mit dem Tool „datapatch“ die Änderungen in die Datenbanken einspielen:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jul 18 20:29:54 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup upgrade; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 2097152000 bytes Fixed Size 8622624 bytes Variable Size 603983328 bytes Database Buffers 1476395008 bytes Redo Buffers 8151040 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/datapatch -verbose SQL Patching tool version Production on Tue Jul 18 20:32:01 2017 Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Log file for this invocation: /u00/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_6482_2017_07_18_20_32_01/sqlpatch_invocation.log Connecting to database...OK Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done Determining current state...done Current state of SQL patches: Patch 25811364 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (25811364)): Installed in the binary registry only Bundle series DBBP: Not installed in the binary registry and ID 170620 in the SQL registry Bundle series DBRU: ID 170718 in the binary registry and not installed in the SQL registry Adding patches to installation queue and performing prereq checks... Installation queue: The following patches will be rolled back: 25983138 (DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH The following patches will be applied: 25811364 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (25811364)) 26123830 (DATABASE RELEASE UPDATE Installing patches... Patch installation complete. Total patches installed: 3 Validating logfiles... Patch 25983138 rollback: SUCCESS logfile: /u00/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/25983138/21358214/25983138_rollback_TVDNCDB_2017Jul18_20_32_08.log (no errors) Patch 25811364 apply: SUCCESS logfile: /u00/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/25811364/21188920/25811364_apply_TVDNCDB_2017Jul18_20_32_08.log (no errors) Patch 26123830 apply: SUCCESS logfile: /u00/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/26123830/21405588/26123830_apply_TVDNCDB_2017Jul18_20_32_30.log (no errors) SQL Patching tool complete on Tue Jul 18 20:32:40 2017
Abschließend müssen wir nur noch die Datenbank wieder im „normalen“ Modus starten:
oracle@nf12cdba:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [TVDNCDB] sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jul 18 20:33:05 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production SQL> shutdown immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 2097152000 bytes Fixed Size 8622624 bytes Variable Size 603983328 bytes Database Buffers 1476395008 bytes Redo Buffers 8151040 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Das wars. Die Patch-Installation lief auf meinem kleinen Test-System problemlos. Und außer dem Namen hat sich irgendwie nichts geändert.
- OPatch: Behavior Changes starting in OPatch and releases (Doc ID 2161861.1)
Werbung (Amazon-Partner-Link)